Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is one of my all time favorite films, the opening sequence is bold and comical, enticing the viewer to watch more.
Johnny Depp plays Hunter S. Thompson, a journalist who's work and lifestyle are tainted by hallucinogens and intoxicants. Such a character makes for interesting viewing.
The director then employs a long mid shot to capture both characters. The camera faces through the dust-covered windscreen and shakes violently to exaggerate the panic and danger of the situation, but in a "they're both very high and are most likely going to have a comical traffic accident" kind of way. The camera pans to a view of both men from the driver's side of the car, again the camera is shaky and involves the audience in the scene, also the camera is canted, making the moment irregular and strange. Thompson starts to hallucinate and is being traumatized by imaginary bats, the camera snaps to an extreme close up of his eyes to exaggerate the fear and to hep the audience understand his emotions.
Dr. Gonzo finally turns his random grunts into words in question to his colleagues strange behavior, the an upward shot is used to make him look odd and not normal.
When Thompson exits the vehicle to check on his drugs, we watch from two different angles: point of view of Thompson and upward from the box's perspective, as if we were with him. Throughout the clip the camera moves around the car and the two characters in a hectic fashion, constantly reminding the viewer of the mental state of the two men.
Donnie Darko
Donnie Darko is also one of my favorite films, Jake Gyllenhaal stars at sixteen years old....he is my favorite actor.
Donnie smiles as he is amused by the fact that he's sleep walked so far from home, and to such a beautiful place. He walks out of the shot and the title appears above the mountains.
The screen goes white, and then quickly fades into a shot of Donnie riding his bike, we face him front on, the camera tracks backwards so that Donnie stays in the shot the whole time, despite moving quickly.
The scene gets lighter as Donnie gets closer to his destination, gradually taking him out of his state of confusion and unknowing (darkness) and bringing him into a place where he's comfortable.
After Donnie makes it home on his bike, there is a shot of each of the family members. Donnie rides past his father, the camera pans and focuses on him, Donnie's sister walks into the shot and the two characters interact, showcasing the relationship between the two.
There is then a craning shot of Donnie's younger sister, she is jumping on a trampoline, again we the audience get another view of the family dynamic.
To end the scene Donnie enters his kitchen and opens his refrigerator, on the fridge is a sign saying "Where is Donnie?" this is important as it is a trend throughout the film due to Donnie's weird tendency to sleepwalk without his parents knowing where he is, this plays a crucial part in the story.
Pain and Gain
Fear and loathing in Las Vegas' opening sequence is more successful than Donnie Darko's opening as it is more exciting and invites you to watch the rest of the film e.g the bright red convertible zooming erratically across the desert and the two drunken men behind the wheel is different and dangerous, the bright red colour of the car against the bright blue sky is also visually nice to look at. However Pain and Gain's opening sequence is in my opinion more successful than Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' opening sequence as the camera angles make the scene more interesting, also the choice of movement and nature of the scene is more exciting and unique, like i said, we want to find out why this man is running from the police..and why there are so many police after him..did he kill someone? Steal something? We don't know, and we're not going to stop watching until we find out. Although Donnie Darko's opening scene isnt as successful as the other two's, it is still successful. Like Pain and Gain we are intrigued as to why this boy has ended up way out in the wilderness by himself asleep on the road...and why he's so casual about it and simply bikes home, where again his family act casually about the situation. This is odd and we want to watch on.