To the right is a video clip from the T.V show "Friends", the clip is a good demonstration of the match on action cut.
An example of how I used a cut on action in the prelim task. I entered the room and as i was walking towards the other character I cut to a close up of my face. This was probably the most effective cut that i used when editing the video. The cut looked good because the transition was fluid and smooth. To capture the right moment to cut I slowed down the shots of me walking through the door and the close up of my face so that i could find a point where I was doing the same thing e.g when my facial expression was the same and when i was in the same position in room.
I used a close up of Freddie to show his emotion, then I cut to an extreme close up of his eyes to further stress his fear and sadness, before cutting to an extreme close up of his finger on the trigger of a gun which is angled upwards against his throat.
Next time I use the editing software I will focus on improving the speed at which I work at, as I produced my final product slowly because i was to cautious with my actions, also i will put all of the shots that I will be using into a separate file before I start to cut them together because i lost a lot of time scrolling through all of the different shots trying to find the right one.
To the left is the preliminary task that I filmed and edited.
Task overview
I found the task simple and easy to shoot, my group cooperated well and our communication skills were good when working out problems such as which shot would be best for whatever moment, we would debate as a group and come to a decision that we were all happy with, this process would not take long which gave us plenty of time to be creative after we finished the initial task. The main lesson I have learned through the process of the preliminary task is that I should always make sure that I have the shots before finishing the shoot, in the editing part of the task i found myself struggling to find good enough shots for the scene. I can take forward many skills to my production group when filming the thriller opening sequence, most of which I have learned from the prelim task and have developed them further. These skills include: The ability to see where a cut would look good in the editing process and the ability to create interesting shots with the camera in the filming process which creates a different and individual dynamic to the final product. It will take time to develop and perfect my skills as an editor/camera operator/director, i will aim to improve these skills through practical operation of the Sony NX-5 semi-professional video recorder in the studio, and by editing footage filmed on that camera in the editing suite, I have adobe Premiere available to me at home so I will familiarise myself with the settings and the layout over time.
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