Monday 22 June 2015

Wordpress Website - Scroobius Pip.

I created a website using wordpress, I chose the spoken word poet/rap artist Scroobius Pip to create a website for. I didn't want to chose an artist that was high-key to create more of a challenge when applying Dyer's star theory. At first wordpress proved to be challenging when creating the website, for example on my laptop a lot of the controls weren't compatible. I had to log onto a local desktop to upload the photos and videos to the website. 

So the first thing audiences would see when they load onto the website is a half-screen image of the artist, Scroobius Pip and in a large font the name of the artist is on top of the image to reinforce the brand. The image of the artist shows him singing  and looking out to his fans at a concert, sporting his classic beard and cap which agin reinforces the trademarked image he's created during his time performing and making music commercially.

The template I used for the website uses a menu system that you click onto from the homepage, at any point when browsing the webpage the main image and a single post is visible to the viewer. Once you've clicked on the homepage all of the posts on the website are visible and are then accessible easily. I posted on the website as if i was the artist, the first post is called "Introdiction"as that is the name of the musci video I uploaded, and rather intelligently if I don't say so myself the word Introdiction is quite similar to the word Introduction. Pure Genius. Anyway, I posted the music video and captioned it:

"Fresh tune - Introdiction, a little angrier than usual, deal with it. Excuse my profanity."

The language I used was similar to various social media posts the artist had made before, addressing the audience in a very upfront and bold manner, This is the 2nd instance where I applied Dyer's star theory to the website, by addressing the audiences in such a way it puts the artist in a position of power and admiration. Also the direct address and casual talk makes the audience feel close to the artist, and yet distant as he establishes his position above them in the industrial hierarchy - making him present, yet absent.

I then uploaded 3 other videos by Scroobius pip, of recent and from previous years. Each of the videos is accompanied by a quote either by Scroobius Pip from talks or social media posts, or from his music videos and lyrical choices. This reinforces the brand YET AGAIN (there's a theme here)  

I entitled a non-video post "Disciples" to again reinforce that he is an untouchable commodity, and that the audiences that follow him are his loyal subordinates. 

By saying that "Thou shalt be condemned if thou does'nt listen to the lyrical miracle of Pip." I am referring to one of his most famous releases "Thou shalt always kill" which refers to the imperfections of the modern human race, which actually tells people NOT to idolise bands and artists which is funny because i'm showing how he is almost instructing his audiences to idolise him. ha. 

I use the quote "beauty is in the eye of the beholder to appeal to the hardcore Scroobius pip fans that will have heard Tommy C, which incidentally is a post based around that music video that I made previously on the website. Again the quote reinforces THE BRAND of Scroobius Pip. I also attached a photograph of Pip dropping some mad free-styling bars at UFC Berlin, where he famously turned some hardcore haters into devoted fans. 

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