Monday 21 September 2015

Pitching my Initial concepts

I pitched my three initial concepts to my media class, explaining my song choices and what I intend to point the camera at for each idea. I didn't have time to explain each of the artist campaigns for each idea, but I was able to explain every other aspect of my ideas. I have recorded the audience feedback to my ideas.

Idea 1 feedback: 
This is my favourite idea out of my three initial concepts, however after pitching it to the class i have discovered that not many other people picture it in the same way I do in my head, and after hearing the feedback I am able to understand the multiple impracticalities that befall this idea.

In the audio recording of the audience feedback there is only one incident where someone from my class said they liked the idea especially over the other ideas, all other feedback was that it would be impractical to film. These impracticalities include:

  • May look unprofessional having people that can't act being drunk, or can't act out a fight scene effectively - this could detract from the overall effect of the music video.

  • Shooting at night time could face some logistical issues

One of my classmates suggested that I remove the fight scene and the drunken group of teenagers entirely and have one gang moving around aggressively, i disagree with this idea as I feel the video would have too few aspects that would entice the viewer and keep them interested in the video. Despite the lack of support for this concept I feel that it is still the strongest of my three concepts and that with some development it could become a good music video. 

I was told that another music video with a similar concept to this idea was made by Hurtwood a few years ago and that I should watch it to see how a group of rowdy youths could be filmed without making the video look unprofessional.

The feedback from the class for this idea was not extremely helpful as to where I go next with the concept, but from what I can take from it I need to revise sections of the idea like the drunken fight scene to make it easier to film in a professional manor.

Idea 2 feedback:
This idea was the most popular amongst my classmates. The concept is basic and reflects that of most house music video concepts, it is easily consumable and generally uplifting evoking a positive feeling upon the audience. It is my least favourite of my three initial concepts as to me it is the most basic and amateur. My classmates felt that it was the strongest of my three concepts and gave feedback.
The main angle of the feedback was that the concept was that the concept was fun/funny, relatable, and that most of it would be easy to film in the school environment. Phil, my teacher, said that the penultimate scene where the boy dances in front of a crowd would be extremely difficult to do if the boy was dancing on stage at a club or small arena. We agreed that it would be much more possible to shoot at the school's own theatre of 150 people, but that this would still be a fairly difficult task to get everyone in the theatre at the same time for about an hour.

Important Feedback:

  • Humour and dancing are key appeals in this genre of music, audience expects/wants to see that kind of content on screen 

  • Comedy aspect is important and gives video something more

  •  School environment could make the video more relatable to target audience of 16-19 year olds

  • Crowd scene at the end could be hard to film/organise.

When the class was asked to raise their hands for their preferred concept 95% of the class raised their hands for this concept, making it the most popular of my 3 initial ideas - I will aim to develop this idea further with my production group when I am assigned to one.

Idea 3 feedback:
My third and final idea came off the worst after pitching my concepts to the class. This was originally my second favourite concept, rivalling the prodigy idea. This was because In my head I could see a very cinematic and effective style of filming accompanied by a powerful narrative, this would make the video engaging for the audience.

A few people in the class said they liked the concept, that it was powerful - but this was followed every time by the criticism that it would be very difficult to film as the narrative is very complicated and involves a lot of locations.

Phil told me to watch the music video for "Stacy's Mum" a successful video by Fountains of Wayne. This music video demonstrates how such a basic concept can make a music video so successful. My anti-bullying concept simply has too many moving parts and will be incredibly dificult to shoot in one day and with the resources my production group will have.

Important Feedback:

  • Deep, effective concept that would gain a lot of audience sympathy.

  • Hard/impractical to film - only have one day to film music video, would have to go to many locations etc.

  • Very developed narrative could take long time to film and has the risk of turning into more of a short film than a music video.

  • Lacks performance aspect, only has narrative element to keep audience engaged.

  • Aim of making the music video and campaign is to promote artist - so anti-bullying campaign is out of the question.

After receiving feedback for this idea I have decided that there are simply too many impracticalities for this music video to evolve, so I'm going to scrap it and save the concept for another opportunity, so that I can focus on making my other two ideas stronger and more applicable to this course.

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